New taxa for Insecta on iNats

Ladies and gentlemen,

@tomaaasv @karineavetisyan @artem @cyathus @drilvonen @hyacinthus @axelgosseries @lucaboscain @theo_fiedler @heinerziegler @ahospers @ohanjanyan

You are the top observers of the insects in Armenia, thus I would like to make you know...

Over the last several days I've worked with iNats curators to include a number of taxa, which are listed in the Red Book of Armenia, but were missing in the list of iNats known species.

This resulted in adding the following list of species:

Order Latin name
Coleoptera Chilotomus alexandri
Coleoptera Tanyproctus araxidis
Coleoptera Sphenoptera geghardica
Coleoptera Dorcadion gorbunovi
Coleoptera Trechus infuscatus
Coleoptera Baris mirifica
Coleoptera Deltomerus khnzoriani
Coleoptera Sphenoptera khnzoriani
Coleoptera Dorcadion kasikoporanum
Coleoptera Cortodera kaphanica
Coleoptera Anthaxia breviformis
Coleoptera Dorcadion semilucens
Coleoptera Agapanthia korostelevi
Coleoptera Glaphyrus caucasicus
Coleoptera Glaphyrus calvaster
Coleoptera Dorcadion cineriferum
Coleoptera Acmaeoderella pellitula
Coleoptera Duvalius yatsenkokhmelevskyi
Coleoptera Cteniopus persimilis
Coleoptera Anisoplia reitteriana
Coleoptera Adoretus rubenyani
Coleoptera Duvalius stepanavanensis
Coleoptera Tanyproctus vedicus
Coleoptera Poecilus festivus
Coleoptera Craspedostethus permodicus
Coleoptera Philomessor kalashiani
Hymenoptera Bombus alagesianus
Hymenoptera Myrmica ravasinii
Orthoptera Bradyporus dilatatus
Orthoptera Scotodrymadusa satunini

Being newly added species, they have no observations on iNats. If you happen to have observations, which can be related to those, you are welcome to add such.

That said, there are still several species in progress (e.g. Machimus erevanensis).

There is also a list of species, which is absent in GBIF taxa data base, which makes it very difficult to argue that they are accepted by worldwide scientific community. E.g. Cardiophorus araxicola, Lithurge fuscipenne, etc. Those are unlikely to be added to iNats any time soon.

Posted on November 25, 2023 05:30 AM by iburyl iburyl


Thanks for this! I'll keep doing my best to do more observations when I go there next year

Posted by axelgosseries 11 months ago

Excellent job, thank you!

Posted by drilvonen 11 months ago

if I get there next year, I'll definitely add something again, thanks.

Posted by tomaaasv 11 months ago

Important work, thank you!

Posted by theo_fiedler 11 months ago

Thank you for noticing! I have been working hard, trying to encourage specialists to help we with the identification of my armenian observations.

Another one might be Stictoleptura rufa ssp. realis

I have the rare ones categorised in order of their rarity, but will not be able to acess my laptop till this weekend. Ill gladly share the results with you this weekend!

Posted by hyacinthus 11 months ago

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