

Common Flowering Plant Families in Northern Kentucky

Here are the promised notes on the seven plant families we're learning to recognize.

Asteraceae (formerly Compositae): the composites. Dandelions, chicory, asters, sunflowers, goldenrod, chrysanthemums, coneflowers, various daisies, and lettuce are all in this family. This is a cosmopolitan family, found worldwide both in temperate and tropical areas. These plants make a unique inflorescence type called a head (picture a daisy) where what looks like one flower is really made up many smaller, bilaterally symmetric (the "petals" or rays) and radially symmetric (in the disc) flowers. Our species are mostly summer and fall blooming, but a few show off in the spring, including:
Packera (Groundsel)
Erigeron (Fleabane daisy)
Taraxacum officinale (Dandelion): ...more ↓

Posted on April 29, 2022 03:41 PM by m_whitson m_whitson | 1 comment | Leave a comment
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This project is for Northern Kentucky University's Spring 2024 General Botany class (Bio 313 & 313L). Here we will explore the wonderful world of plants and plant-like organisms.

Look out plants! Here we come.

m_whitson created this project on March 25, 2022
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