No more rain, but still, it's cooler

more than likely we have gotten about 2 inches of rain in the past 4 days or so. Trace amounts here and there, and then just shy of 2 inches the other night. Last night, no rain, but it was in the 70s all day long and all night, which was very nice. My vitex is blooming again, I spotted 19 new blooms on this hedge of bushes, which is really unusual. I hope they produce a whole lot of new blooms. The pollinators could really use the extra food. Even annuals like catnip are blooming again which doesn't normally happen if one doesn't pinch the blooms off prior to turning to seed.

Many of the trees look as if they will loose over half their leaves. The leaves are already too far gone and will keep falling. Our backyard is covered with maple leaves. The scrub oaks and pecans did not loose many of their leaves. They seem more drought resistant than the maple.

The grass is starting to green a bit again.

Posted on August 12, 2011 03:06 PM by greenmother greenmother


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