We have gotten some rain and cooler temps for 2 days in a row

Knock on wood we get another night of rain. Some of the plants are trying to perk up a bit. The Vitex is looking a bit better. But it is extremely drought tolerant. Some of the roses look half dead, even the Rugosas. The Chaste Berry [or Vitex] is blooming again. I have never seen it do that twice in one season. I can only assume that the drought has caused this to happen. It's not a whole lot of blooms but some. Which is good. The bees and butterflies are all over this plant when it does bloom. If the temps stay cooler then I can plant some buckwheat and in 30 days have a patch of forage for my bees.

Posted on August 11, 2011 01:49 AM by greenmother greenmother


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