2022 BioBlitz Observation Summary

The 2022 BioBlitz was a great success, even with heatwave in which a high of 108F was recorded.

Based on the sign-in sheet, the following observers participated: @amzapp, @annikaml, @bacchusrock, @centratex, @currenfrasch, @gcwarbler, @jcochran706, @k8thegr8, @kimberlietx, @knightericm, @mikef451, @lizziedub, @nanofishology, @pbynum, @pfau_tarleton, @rlhardin , @rymcdaniel, @sambiology, @tadamcochran, @textileranger.


  1. Let me know via iNat email whose properties you visited including any comment you would like me to share with a particular owner. I intend to send a personalized email to each owner that granted us access. Last names instead of Phase/Tract is easier. If you only stayed around the hangar, let me know that as well.
  2. Post a comment here once you have finished uploading your observations from the event. We will run some stats once everyone has posted.

New additions:
Three new birds: chuck=will's-widow, olive sparrow, and curve-billed thrasher.
Plants / insects: we need to wait for stats.

This journal post is the comprehensive list of birds observed at the ranch, those observed during the BioBlitz, and links to the eBird checklists. Someone recorded a rufous hummingbird but that would be very rare. I need some supporting evidence, even if it is just a comment before I can submit it in eBird.

Posted on May 9, 2022 01:39 PM by bacchusrock bacchusrock


Jo, On Sunday morning, I viewed and recorded a Long-billed Thrasher singing near the entrance gate of the BarMac Preserve.
I wanted to get this one uploaded since it will be awhile before I can upload my other observations.
And THANKS a million for organizing this amazing opportunity!

Posted by gcwarbler about 2 years ago

@gcwarbler They are lovely singers. Do you have a recording of the elf owl? If you do I would like to upload it to eBird as evidence since they consider it highly unusual in this area.

Posted by bacchusrock about 2 years ago

The Elf Owl woke me up briefly at about 0430 on Saturday morning and I wasn't fast enough to get a recording although I tried. We both fell back asleep.

Posted by gcwarbler about 2 years ago

This was a BLAST!!! Sure, it was a bit hot and dry, but what a spectacular time that I had. THANK YOU Jo and all of the other landowners there. It'll take me a while to upload everything, but I know we'll have some really great observations. :)
iNaturalist is a community! :)

Posted by sambiology about 2 years ago

Hilarious, Sam!

Posted by k8thegr8 about 2 years ago

I'm finished uploading my observations, I added a total of 607 observations this weekend. Not all were on the ranch, but many were.

Posted by currenfrasch about 2 years ago

As of May 20, 2022, I am pretty much done posting observations. I may have a handful of others to post in the next week, but probably not any species that have not already been posted.

Posted by rymcdaniel about 2 years ago

I photographed an undescribed species of beetle that came to the moth lights at the hangar. Did anybody else get a photo of it? https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/118115791

Posted by nanofishology about 2 years ago

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