First Project Update, Oct 2023

Hello everyone,

Firstly, thanks to every observer who has contributed to the Bee-Flower Interaction Project over the past year. We know adding plant identifications is not always easy, and we are only thankful to you for the time and effort that you have put in. We also thank people who are more familiar with plants for their help in identifying plants.

We have been wanting to follow-up with an update and to be able to present the data that we’ve gathered so far. We hope this journal update serves that purpose.

To begin with, here’s a distribution of all the observations that have been added to the project. As evident, we need to add observations from more regions of the country to make sure that the data is reflective of the diversity, and also continue adding more observations. Any help towards achieving this is welcome, and we look for your continued support.

Nectar Plants for Bees

The project has seen over 1700 observations from more than 250 individual observers, and covering more than 86 unique groups of Bees. These observations have revealed interactions of bees with more than 175 unique groups of plants. Here is a quick look at the most commonly observed bees under the project so far, with Xylocopa and Apis cerana leading the count:

Next we have the most common plant groups that the bees documented under the project have interacted with. Calotropis flowers (one of the Milkweeds) are the most commonly interacted with.

Next we have the total number of unique plants that each set of Bees have interacted with. For instance, Apis cerana have been seen interacting with a total 95 unique plant groups, Xylocopa bees with a total of 75 unique plants, and so on.

As you can imagine, the overall dataset is quite complex to be able to present in the form of charts or other visually pleasing means. So, we’ve compiled a table with all the plants that each of the bees have been documented around. Note that we’ve excluded a few observations that had plant IDs only at ‘Plantae’ level as those observations need more refined IDs. Also note that there will be some overlaps here as plant IDs sometimes are only at a family level, while others may have the exact genus or species within that family. For example, we have Asteraceae under Apis cerana while Cosmos or Tridax are also present in the list. In the long term, we may need to try and refine as many plant IDs as we can, so that the data is less overlapping while accounting for as much of the data as possible.

Again, we would like to thank every individual who has contributed to the project in the form of observations, plant IDs and in every other way.


Aethomegachile (4) Apis florea (82) Rosa Nomia buddha (1) Xylocopa (29)
Cajanus Acacia Rotheca Anisomeles Alpinia
Luffa Acmella Ruellia Nomia crassipes (6) Argyreia
Millettia Allium Sphagneticola Cleome Calotropis
Phaseolus Alternanthera Taraxacum Coleus Centrosema
Amegilla (7) Amaranthaceae Tecoma Ocimum Crotalaria
Calotropis Antigonon Turnera Sesamum Crotalarieae
Cyanthillium Arecaceae Ctenoplectra (1) Sphenoclea Cyanotis
Lantana Argemone Dendrobium Tridax Hygrophila
Leucas Asclepias Eoanthidium salemense (3) Nomia curvipes (1) Justicia
Ocimum Asteraceae Bidens Tridax Lantana
Solanum Avicennia Ocimum Nomia elliotii (3) Leucas
Tribulus Bacopa Sphagneticola Cleome Libidibia
Amegilla confusa (1) Borassus Euaspis (5) Coccinia Luffa
Lamiaceae Boswellia Asystasia Millettia Mesosphaerum
Amegilla dizona (3) Brassica Medicago Nomia iridescens (3) Millettia
Anisomeles Brassicaceae Millettia Caesalpinia Mimosa
Leucas Calotropis Murraya Senna Momordica
Tecoma Capparis Ocimum Volkameria Passiflora
Amegilla violacea (4) Chromolaena Eucerini (4) Nomia radiata (1) Pentas
Calotropis Cleome Fabales Corchorus Phaseolus
Costus Combretum Luffa Nomia strigata (6) Rotheca
Lantana Couroupita Smithia Bauhinia Samanea
Mesosphaerum Cuphea Vicoa Cocos Senna
Andrena (1) Cyanotis Eutricharaea (3) Derris Solanum
Rubus Cyperus Cajanus Lantana Stachytarpheta
Anthophila (2) Derris Scoparia Urena Thunbergia
Jatropha Euphorbia Tridax Zingiberaceae Tricholepis
Pogostemon Gaillardia Halictidae (2) Nomia thoracica (3) Vigna
Anthophora (1) Gazania Antigonon Corchorus Wisteria
Corydalis Gerbera Grewia Justicia Xylocopa auripennis (5)
Apidae (1) Glycosmis Halictini (3) Leea Calotropis
Mammea Gomphrena Cocos Nomia westwoodi (31) Catharanthus
Apinae (2) Gymnema Dianthus Abutilon Crotalaria
Antigonon Hamelia Murraya Antigonon Hellenia
Strobilanthes Hygrophila Halictus latisignatus (2) Asystasia Millettia
Apis (1) Ipomoea Alternanthera Averrhoa Xylocopa fenestrata (10)
Lantana Ixora Senecio Caesalpinia Alangium
Apis cerana (104) Jacquemontia Homalictus (1) Cichorioideae Asclepias
Acanthaceae Justicia Pseuderanthemum Cleome Cajanus
Adelocaryum Kydia Hoplonomia (7) Coccinia Calotropis
Ageratum Lagenaria Cajanus Coleus Coccinia
Allium Lagerstroemia Cleome Crotalarieae Crotalaria
Aloysia Leea Crotalaria Cucurbitales Lantana
Antigonon Leucas Justicia Cuphea Luffa
Argemone Libidibia Muntingia Drymophila Momordica
Asclepias Luffa Senna Gomphrena Sesamum
Asteraceae Melanthera Solanum Grewia Xylocopa ruficornis (14)
Averrhoa Mikania Hylaeus (3) Leea Crotalaria
Bauhinia Millettia Cleome Macroptilium Grewia
Bidens Mimosa Loranthaceae Mesosphaerum Hydrangea
Brassica Mitracarpus Terminalia Millettia Lantana
Brassicaceae Muntingia Ipomalictus (1) Murdannia Millettia
Calliandra Murdannia Hibiscus Neltuma Mimusops
Canna Neltuma Koptortosoma (20) Passiflora Passiflora
Capparis Nelumbo Anisomeles Plumbago Rotheca
Cardiospermum Nymphaea Calotropis Rotheca Senna
Carduoideae Nymphaeaceae Clerodendrum Salvia Smithia
Centratherum Ocimum Crotalaria Sida Solanum
Chrozophora Opuntia Lagerstroemia Solanum Tecoma
Cirsium Parthenium Leucas Tadehagi Thunbergia
Cleome Phyla Lobelia Tecomaria Turnera
Coccinia Picris Luffa Tridax Xylocopa tenuiscapa (15)
Cocos Portulaca Millettia Vitex Acanthus
Coleus Psidium Mimusops Nomiinae (2) Argyreia
Commelina Pyrostegia Passiflora Crotalaria Asclepias
Cosmos Ricinus Passifloraceae Leea Calotropis
Crotalaria Rosa Pentas Osmia (1) Cassia
Cucurbita Samanea Petrea Cicer Clitoria
Cucurbitaceae Scoparia Phaseolus Osmiini (1) Crotalaria
Cuphea Solidago Senna Silybum Crotalarieae
Cyanotis Sphagneticola Sesamum Pachyanthidium lachrymosum (1) Luffa
Cyathocline Syzygium Sida Fabaceae Mesosphaerum
Cycadaceae Tagetes Stachytarpheta Pachyhalictus (1) Millettia
Dahlia Tecoma Tecoma Begonia Nerium
Dalbergia Terminalia Lasioglossum (24)  Pithitis (33) Rotheca
Derris Trianthema Abutilon Asystasia Stachytarpheta
Diplocyclos Tridax Brassica Bidens Thunbergia
Duranta Verbesina Calotropis Cleome Xylocopa tranquebarica (3)
Erigeron Vigna Cichorium Cosmos Impatiens
Euphorbia Vitex Cocos Crotalaria Polianthes
Evolvulus Volkameria Coleus Cucumis Sesamum
Gazania Zinnia Cosmos Cucurbitaceae Xylocopa tranquebarorum (1)
Guilandina Apis laboriosa (3) Cyanotis Cuphea Lantana
Hamelia Campanula Ixora Fabaceae Zonamegilla (39)
Heliantheae Geranium Leea Glycosmis Alpinia
Helianthus Rubus Mazus Helianthus Calotropis
Hyptis Apis mellifera (4) Mesosphaerum Ipomoea Capsicum
Impatiens Argemone Millettia Jacquemontia Cascabela
Ipomoea Nerium Momordica Malvastrum Clitoria
Ischaemum Syzygium Ocimum Millettia Coleus
Ixora Tridax Plumbago Momordica Corchorus
Jacquemontia Austronomia (4) Poaceae Murraya Cucurbitaceae
Jatropha Cucumis Poales Ocimum Curculigo
Leea Cyanotis Ruellia Persicaria Galphimia
Lepidagathis Pigea Sphagneticola Plumbago Hippeastrum
Lippia Sida Tribulus Portulaca Ipomoea
Luffa Bombus (6) Tridax Ruellia Justicia
Malpighia Centaurea Turnera Salvia Lantana
Mammea Gaillardia Zephyranthes Sida Lepidagathis
Memecylon Lamium Lasioglossum albescens (22) Smithia Leucas
Millettia Lantana Alternanthera Spermacoce Luffa
Mimosa Salvia Asystasia Sphagneticola Memecylon
Mitracarpus Solanum Capsicum Tephrosia Mesosphaerum
Muntingia Bombus breviceps (1) Carduoideae Torenia Millettia
Musa Lantana Combretum Trichodesma Moringa
Nymphaeaceae Bombus genalis (1) Cosmos Tridax Mussaenda
Ocimum Rubus Hamelia Turnera Ocimum
Opuntia Bombus rufofasciatus (2) Ipomoea Wedelia Passiflora
Oryza Potentilla Life Pseudapis oxybeloides (4) Pentas
Papaver Rosa Luffa Cleome Portulaca
Parasopubia Braunsapis (25) Megaskepasma Cocos Pseuderanthemum
Passiflora Antigonon Plumbago Leucas Rauvolfia
Poaceae Asclepias Poales Solanum Salvia
Poales Bidens Portulaca Pseudoanthidium rotundiventre (1) Senna
Polianthes Biophytum Sida Blumea Sida
Premna Caesalpinia Sonchus Pseudomegachile (3) Solanum
Pterolobium Cichorioideae Sphagneticola Cicer Stachytarpheta
Ranunculus Cocos Taraxacum Crotalaria Tecoma
Rhododendron Cucurbitaceae Tecoma Medicago Torenia
Ricinus Curculigo Tridax Pycnanthidium (1) Trichosanthes
Rostellularia Cyanotis Turnera Grewia Triumfetta
Rubus Euphorbia Zanthoxylum Rhopalomelissa (4) Turnera
Ruellia Fabaceae Lipotriches (5) Ischaemum Zingiberaceae
Salix Glycosmis Boerhavia Poaceae
Santalum Grewia Cleome Poales
Sida Impatiens Ischaemum Sphagneticola
Smithia Jacquemontia Oryza Seladonia (9)
Solanum Lantana Poaceae Bidens
Solidago Leea Lipotriches fervida (2) Croton
Spermacoceae Libidibia Alternanthera Eclipta
Sphagneticola Muntingia Parthenium Glebionis
Stachytarpheta Nymphaea Lipotriches fulvinerva (1) Lactuca
Strobilanthes Oxalis Sida Lagascea
Tagetes Portulaca Lipotriches lonavlaensis (1) Ocimum
Tithonia Pseuderanthemum Smithia Sphagneticola
Tribulus Sida Lipotriches nanensis (2) Tridax
Tridax Callomegachile (8) Poaceae Sibiricobombus (1)
Trifolium Celosia Stachytarpheta Astragalus
Tropaeolum Euphorbia Lipotriches scutellata (1) Sphecodes (1)
Turnera Lagerstroemia Causonis Antigonon
Vachellia Lawsonia Lipotriches torrida (1) Steganomus (2)
Zea Leucas Poaceae Medicago
Apis dorsata (72) Millettia Lithurgus (6) Tridax
Allium Pogostemon Abelmoschus Tetragonula (43)
Antigonon Salvia Gossypium Angelonia
Arecaceae Ceratina smaragdula (1) Hibiscus Arecaceae
Bauhinia Cleome Ipomoea Avicennia
Bombax Ceratina waini (1) Operculina Barleria
Brassica Leea Thespesia Bauhinia
Caesalpinia Ceratinidia (32) Maynenomia (1) Caesalpinia
Calliandra Alnus Sida Cajanus
Celosia Antigonon Megachile (17) Capsicum
Cestrum Asteraceae Aegle Cascabela
Chromolaena Asystasia Anisomeles Catharanthus
Chrozophora Bidens Caesalpinioideae Celosia
Cleome Boerhavia Cajanus Centratherum
Clerodendrum Catharanthus Calotropis Citrus
Coccinia Celosia Clinopodium Cleome
Combretum Citrus Coleus Coleus
Commelina Cocos Crotalaria Cucurbitaceae
Cosmos Coleus Eriophyton Euphorbia
Crescentia Cosmos Fabales Hamelia
Crotalarieae Crotalaria Lippia Hibiscus
Cucurbitaceae Cuphea Mesosphaerum Hymenocallis
Cyanotis Duranta Millettia Ixora
Derris Ixora Pogostemon Jatropha
Excoecaria Jacquemontia Raphanus Libidibia
Getonia Lantana Sesamum Ludwigia
Glycosmis Leea Vitex Malpighia
Grewia Leucas Megachile bicolor (2) Mammea
Guizotia Luffa Caesalpinia Mimosa
Hamelia Plumbago Millettia Muntingia
Hibiscus Rotheca Megachile conjuncta (1) Neltuma
Impatiens Solidago Derris Nyctanthes
Ixora Stachytarpheta Megachile disjuncta (5) Nymphaea
Jatropha Synedrella Caesalpinia Ocimum
Justicia Tecoma Cajanus Portulaca
Lantana Tephrosia Crotalaria Rosa
Leea Tridax Millettia Syzygium
Leucas Turnera Tagetes Tabernaemontana
Leucophyllum Vitex Megachile lanata (5) Tagetes
Lippia Zinnia Cajanus Thunbergia
Luffa Coelioxys (5) Crotalaria Torenia
Malachra Adenium Leucas Tridax
Mammea Glycosmis Mesosphaerum Turnera
Mesosphaerum Grewia Millettia Volkameria
Millettia Murraya Megachile lerma (1) Zea
Mimosa Verbena Crotalarieae Tetralonia macroceps (2)
Murraya Colletes (1) Nodula (6) Argyreia
Nerium Celosia Alternanthera Ipomoea
Nymphaea Ctenonomia (31) Asystasia Thrinchostoma (1)
Ocimum Antigonon Calotropis Begonia
Passiflora Argemone Coleus Thyreus (13)
Pentas Brassica Crotalarieae Antigonon
Pergularia Brassicaceae Triumfetta Coleus
Poaceae Clerodendrum Nomada (4) Cosmos
Poales Coccinia Cirsium Lantana
Pseuderanthemum Cocos Cleome Leea
Pterolobium Colebrookea Oxalis Leucas
Rosa Coreopsis Tecoma Mesosphaerum
Sambucus Cosmos Nomada furva (1) Ocimum
Santalum Curculigo Alternanthera Premna
Senna Gaillardia Nomia (12) Rotheca
Sesamum Impatiens Anisomeles Senegalia
Sphagneticola Ipomoea Cleome Sida
Stachytarpheta Leea Crotalaria Stachytarpheta
Syzygium Leucas Derris Thyreus himalayensis (1)
Tecoma Luffa Euphorbia Lippia
Tephrosia Momordica Grewia Xanthoceratina (1)
Tribulus Muntingia Hamelia Mazus
Tridax Nymphaeaceae Pseuderanthemum Xanthosarus (2)
Turnera Oxalis Salvia Crotalaria
Urena Passiflora Scoparia Sesamum
Wrightia Plumbago Solanum

Zinnia Pseuderanthemum Tradescantia

@adityaramakrishnan13 @afsarnayakkan @alagu @anil_kumar_verma @anubhav-agarwal @arajush_payra @ashirwad @ashwinv @athul2 @awayk3n @bhagwatn @bhuvanrajk @chahatyadav @chitrashanker @csbandi @debashischowdhury @deekshith1 @dhyey13 @dineshkumar7 @dineshs @dineshvalke @drpadhiyar @gs5 @haneesh @harshithjv @hopeland @itsamantis @itz_bee_man @jeyan @jithesh @kaiwalya @karan_7 @karan_matalia @karthikeyaeco @kishorenath @kunikimu @me_tarun @mercy_madhurima @naturalist43365 @naturalist_aditya @natures_kid @navaneethsinigeorge @navya_s @neelakantankk @nikkitha @odonut @onkar1708 @pazu @pcbose @praveen_tangirala @prbh @quailboy @rajesh_balakrishnan @ramaneelamegam @robinho @rujutavinod @sacredreinard @sagarika_chen @sai42 @samarth_jain @samrudhnandagopal @sayeegirdhari @shiwalee @shms @siddarthmachado @sonukumar055 @subbu107 @sunnyjosef @swanand @tushar3949 @umavaijnath @vaidyar @vaishnavkv @veenas @vidswami @vijaybarve @vinodborse @vishaljadhavindia @vivek32 @vivekbgirija @ygurjar
Posted on October 20, 2023 05:18 AM by karthik_83 karthik_83


Pseuderanthemum is mentioned 6 times. Could have clubbed it as Pseuderanthemum(6) instead.

Posted by harshithjv 12 months ago

@harshithjv I believe Pseuderanthemum is mentioned individually under each bee. And there are many multiples like that. We have to read the table per bee as it's a full compilation. Am I missing something?

Posted by karthik_83 12 months ago

@kartik_83 Ok cool. :)

Posted by harshithjv 12 months ago

most interesting data, thank you for doing this project. Key take out for me - reinforces my believe in Calotropis as an important plant, it needs more attention, poor thing, it is considered weed and people dont like it in their gardens and on other hand it has deep religious cues. Species with less 5 nectar plant are vulnerable ? May also low data points.

Posted by sagarika_chen 12 months ago

@karthik_83 nice work & presentation, thank you for your time & support. Thanks to all the people who's supporting for this in one or other ways.

Posted by azhagu 12 months ago

@sagarika_chen It's just a starting, still long way to go. This data is not a proper representative and we just wish to show project progress to fellow participants/community naturalists. The reason for highest number of Calotropis interactions compared to other plants is because they're easy to identifiable (atleast to me, I added many numbers of Calotropis observations), so you can see that the data is biased (for now, we may improvise this in the upcoming days), still long list of different flower interactions left to be added. We have lack of active and reliable plant identifiers and also lack of active participants.

Posted by azhagu 12 months ago

@karthik_83 The representation has come out really nicely, thanks to all your handwork!

Coming to @sagarika_chen's points

I wanted to know about the insects visiting Calotropis, the number 93 represents observations, right? We can see about 12 species of bees visit Calotropis in total. Also how the plants grow, the months of flowering and hours of bee activity are some of the important parameters as well.

All in all, Exciting to see how things are building up.


Posted by gs5 12 months ago

@sagarika_chen Sagarika, good points and questions there. While this data, collected over the course of a year, may still not be very representative, it is still significant. And I believe Calotropis, and perhaps other plants, may have some unique relationship with Bees. A quick look up showed some studies in different parts of the world where Calotropis were extensively pollinated by Bees, particularly Xylocopa. Incidentally, Xylocopa happen to be some of the larger bees and so, perhaps relatively easier to photograph (and so, that's a bias in itself?), and Xylocopa have been the most commonly observed group of bees too. I agree that Calotropis may be easier to identify because of the familiarity in the cultural context, but Lantana or Millettia or others may also be relatively well-known or easy to ID?

While the data from the Lepidoptera Nectar project is still very new, Calotropis was not in the top nectaring plants out of some 1700 initial observations. In fact, Calotropis had only one single observation. Lantana was most common there, but not here. We have to wait to see where that data points us eventually, but there may be some plant species that prefer bees for pollination (a documented fact, right?).
These projects should get better with time and more observations and from different regions and seasons.

@azhagu @johnascher @bdagley @susanna_h and others would know better.
@siddarthmachado @shiwalee @chitrashanker @sayeegirdhari would also have notes to add to this.

Gaurav, yes, 93 was the total number of observations. And you're right about 12 unique bees having been seeing on Calotropis. Also, the hard work was all Azhagu's, I just drew some plots on Excel. @gs5

Posted by karthik_83 12 months ago

Great job.

Posted by bdagley 12 months ago

Great effort and collaboration from everyone!
Sorry, I dont know enough about plant-insect interaction, so I can't comment.

Posted by siddarthmachado 11 months ago

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