The Great Aussie Fungi Quest 2023!

Hi Fungimappers,

As you probably know, throughout the month of May we are running a national fungi bioblitz called the Great Aussie Fungi Quest. This is in collaboration with QuestaGame, but also includes all fungi observations coming in from iNaturalist and other platforms:

The website has a promotional video by Catherine Marciniak and Steve Axford (please share via YouTube) and a document with some extra tips about recording/describing your fungus.

We thank all of you for your ongoing contributions to recording Australia's amazing and diverse fungi, lichens and slime moulds. In particular if you see any fungi throughout May, please make an extra effort to document them on iNaturalist to be included in the count. So far we're at 4,000 records and counting!

We are very appreciative of our community of experts who verify other people's fungi records on iNaturalist, as well as generously assisting beginners with identifications where possible and comments about how they can improve their photos/records. Again through May this is especially important, so that newcomers are engaged and inspired to become ongoing contributors. Thank you verifiers - you are amazing and your work is so valued!

With your help we will make this the biggest Australian fungi bioblitz in history! (and keep building knowledge of Australia's precious fungi for conservation purposes).

Findings and analysis from the event will be sent out to those on our enews mailing list, subscribe at

Thanks everyone, any questions please contact Sophie Green (Fungimap Coordinator) at

Posted on May 11, 2023 04:04 AM by fungimap fungimap


Oh I do like that name "Fungi Quest"! Perhaps the bioblitz lot could borrow it next time. Quest is a much more positive term, suggests a curious, gentle, open-minded attitude.

Posted by janetgrevillea about 1 year ago

I've made submissions from WA that got ignored, and can't see any recognised observations on your website map from either WA or NT.
It's not really an "Aussie" event if you're missing more than half the country. Just call it "The Great Eastern States FungiQuest" instead.

Posted by simulacra about 1 year ago

I think you'll find that the map on is only showing the location from players in the BioQuest game who are contributing through the QuestaGame portal. If you've uploaded yours through iNat they'll be included but not recorded on that game challenge map.

Posted by carotelfer about 1 year ago

Yes that's correct, the sightings/IDs/participants/species listed on the event website include all those contributed from other apps as well, but since QuestaGame is running the event the map is only showing sightings contributed via QuestaGame. At the end of the event we will do some analysis which will include all the iNaturalist observations as well - looking at geographic spread, morphogroups, rarest finds etc. We'll send that out via our enews but also will send it out to our iNaturalist project. Thanks for your contributions, and will take on board feedback for future events.

Posted by fungimap about 1 year ago

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