Find a Bioblitz Near You

Welcome to Day 2 of the City Nature Challenge 2019! Today is a great day to grab your family and friends and go to a bioblitz. The Natural History Museum of Utah has teamed up with wonderful partners to offer bioblitzes in Salt Lake, Cache, Box Elder, Weber, and Davis Counties today. You can find all the details here: .

Of course, you can make observations wherever you go today to keep our totals climbing. Today is going to be huge! Here are a couple of great observations from yesterday for inspiration:

And adorable robin:

A lazuli bunting:

A hitchhiking spotless ladybug:

Thank you to all NHMU's partners on the Wasatch Team: Hartland Community for Youth and Families, The Jordan River Commission, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Stokes Nature Center, Utah Open Lands, The Nature Conservancy, Ogden Nature Center, and Swaner Preserve and Ecocenter.

Get outside and do some science!

Posted on April 27, 2019 01:35 PM by lcthompson lcthompson


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