New Project Added - Trails of Governor's Hill

The Trails of Governor’s Hill is the newest project to be added to the umbrella. Each project within the umbrella is unique. Governor’s Hill is no exception. The project comprises both common area and privately owned area. The common area is limited to observations as regeneration is happening from a blank slate. Here’s what the project owner had to say about the project…

“Most of the common area is pure naturalism. Despite the Callery Pears and Honeysuckle, it has been a beautiful thing watching pure nature reclaim her own.

The back of our privately owned property, which borders the common area, slopes steeply. Years ago we let the back corner go to (managed) nature. We removed a large amount of honeysuckle, but were torn about one large specimen that serves as a deer den. As the years have progressed, more and more of the yard is being rid of lawn grass in favor of natives and large screening plantings.”

It’s a fascinating project specifically because it includes pure naturalism as well as assisted regeneration. Check it out…

Posted on December 23, 2022 07:37 PM by stockslager stockslager


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