

Asia Nature Challenge 亞洲自然挑戰賽 2024

For those who love nature, please join the new iNaturalist’s Asia Nature Challenge Project 2024. It is an international BioBlitz newly organized by several good friends of Citizenscience.Asia . It's similar to City Natural Challenge but happening in Octobers and covers only Asian countries. Observation period is October 18–21 and Identifying period is October 22-27. Digital certificate will be provided for participants registered at the link belows :

BioBlitz Project Details:

Thank you so much!

各位熱愛大自然的朋友,誠邀你們參加由 CitizenScience.Asia 首次舉辦 2024年 亞洲自然挑戰賽。它與城iNaturalist 舉辦的城市自然挑戰賽類似,但將會在每年十月舉行,並且僅涵蓋亞洲國家。!
觀察紀錄只限 2024年10月18日至21日 亞洲國家,識別期間為2024年10月22日至27日。

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Posted on October 17, 2024 04:59 AM by sunnetchan sunnetchan | 0 comments | Leave a comment

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Butterflies play an important role in providing ecosystem services and also adapt very well to global change such as increasing temperature. Hong Kong is situated at subtropical region and has a mixture of tropical and temperate butterfly species which makes it one of the best places to monitor butterfly composition and ...more ↓

dendrohk created this project on May 29, 2018
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