Data of CNY Birds

Date: 1/19/23
Place: Mattydale New York
Weather conditions: temperature 38, wind 10 mph, 79 percent precipitation, appears cold, windy, dark, light misty showers and snow flurries, ice on the ground.
Time: Began @ 5:46am:
*Black-capped chickadee: observed early dawn and for a few hours alone, small groups, eating bird food. Very small, grey, white, black bird.
*Sparrow's: Song and house sparrow's appear daily, sunrise until almost sunset, very large groups almost 30 or more on branches of nearby bush. They are very vocal, chattering most the time. The eat and fly in groups, are startled by slight noises and fly away in large groups. They are small, brown, tan, cream and some black spec's.
*Black crows: observed alone, on a high tree branch, calling others. When others come they sit, fly around, at times eat the food but rarely come that close. They are observed mainly before 10 am.
*Finch: Observed as a few on a tree branch for a very short time and ate quickly and left. Goldfinch; Small bird, black, white striped wings, yellowish, cream colored body, white chest. House Finch: larger group, white, brown, tan, cream striped markings.
*Dark-eyed junco: observed on tree branch, alone and in very small group of 3. Eats quickly and leaves. Grey-ish, white pretty fluffy small bird.
*Grey cat bird: Seen in a very small group, ate quickly and left. Long tail, grey small bird and some black marking.
*Red winged blackbird: Female, striped browns and black markings, very small group. Sits on the branch short time than eats and leaves, only seen for a very short time.
*Nuthatch: Seen a few, appears they are mainly white, rustic brown spots, grey-ish blue head, neck, back, wing colors. Ate bird food and left.
*House wren: Seen 2 of these; long tail, brownish, rustic brown, tan and cream colored small bird. They flew to the branch then swooped to eat the food quickly and left early afternoon.
*Flicker: A few; very pretty smooth cream colored neck, spotted and striped body and wings, fairly small bird. Ate the bird food quickly, sat on the branch watching other birds a short time then left, mid morning.
*Morning dove's: 5:46 am; Observed in a large group, sitting on tree branches most of the day until 3:32 pm. They eat my bird seed in groups. They aren't bothered by other birds or squirrels near them. They are medium built, brown, tan, cream with black markings.
*House sparrow's: Observed in large group, sitting on small bush branches most of the day until it begins to get dark around 4 pm. They are a very vocal bunch most of the day. From my window they seem to appear mainly female, sometimes appear with a male, but not seen today. They eat my bird food in groups, all flying and swooping together. They are startled by slight noises and all rush and fly off at once. They are very small, mostly brown, tan, cream color and small spec's or tiny stripes.
*Blue jay's & cardinal's:
Appear several types of blue jays, they will sit alone on a branch make sounds to others. They will not eat or move around until they watch for a long time on a branch or others come. Sometimes they will eat alone, very quickly, and then fly off and come back and forth. Sounds appear to call other blue jay's, sometimes seen up to 3 blue jay's at once, and cardinal's. Mostly see red male cardinals, a few times a lighter colored female but not typical in the colder months. They all sit on a branch for a while from a distance and watch the area closely where the bird food appears, when they do move in to eat only 1 comes at a time while others are look out's and they eat quick and fly away to eat it and come back, taking turns. They will only appear very early in the morning and off and on for a few hours.
*Starling: Appear shortly after sunrise in very large groups top of the trees. Slowly, moving lower and closer to the bird food. They eventually all fly down almost at once to eat and do this many times throughout the day until it gets dark. Sometimes later in the day they appear in very small groups. They are startled quickly by noise and all will fly away to the highest branch on the trees for almost an hour before they will come back to eat. They are medium sized birds, black, spec's tan or cream.
*Woodpecker's: Appears several times throughout the day, pecking away at the tree, a downy male with a large red stripe on the back of the head and neck, also a long beak, black and white stripes and spec's. Sometimes he eats, very quickly, the bird food but usually doesn't bother. He has been seen in the warmer month accompanied by a female and a very young baby. Now, the young wood pecker is seen at times a tree or branch or so away from the male, also pecking at the trees. The baby will eat the bird food, not sure the sex of it yet, it was seen today.

Posted on January 20, 2023 12:39 AM by envirolawgal envirolawgal


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