Please help promote and advertise the CIty Nature Challenge for the four areas in Botswana. We have P4000 as prize money

@rianafourie @robert_taylor @grant_reed_botswana @lyn_francey franc @tuli @spencer_wp @murphy_tladi @matewe @derekdlh @guy_williams @kyledenobrega @gerritgoosen @modise @gihan @henry_parsons
@jeremy_botswana @ianwhite @richard_mazebedi

Im writing emails to all School Heads and College Principals hoping to use the P4000 prizemoney to entice teachers,, students and their parents to get involved in the CNC.

Any ideas please ?

Botswanabugs aka Tony Benn

Posted on April 16, 2023 02:56 PM by botswanabugs botswanabugs


Hi Tony,

Wow, who sponsored the prize and how is it won?

Posted by robert_taylor about 1 year ago

Hi Tony,

Contact Mike who is the headmaster at Matshwane in Maun - and cc the college as well

Mike might also be able to put you in contact with other school heads in Maun.

As discussed before I will be in SA over those dates so won't be able to participate but will try to help with ID's if I can find the time while traveling.

I think the prize money is a great incentive, well done for organizing that!! However I would suggest that the prizes should only be available for new participants and not to existing members as it would be hard for the new members to compete with those who are far more experienced and the aim is to promote new people to get involved. Just a suggestion.

Riana x

Posted by rianafourie about 1 year ago

Than Riana
Yes I was planning to reserve money for new entrants and school/tertiary students
Thanks so much for the suggestions . Keep them coming.


Posted by botswanabugs about 1 year ago

@robert_taylor @rianafourie the money was given to me as a gift/honourium, by the organisers of the CNC in Los Angeles for my obsession and addiction to iNaturalist. I have decided to use it to help promote iNat in Botswana. Perhaps I could get some local businesses to top it up or give prizes next year. My thinking at present, is that most of the money is reserved for the most active primary student, most active secondary student and most active schools (incliding teachers/parents and students) with a little reserved for the established inaturalists. There can also be a special prize for the most active tertiary student ( or teacher ?)Schools are on holiday at the moment ( I think) so when they come back for the second term they shall have to be very busy preparing students.
I now have an excuse to send out emails to all schools, colleges, youth organisations. Education officers, Perm Secs and Govt Ministers etc describing iNat and the CNC.
Hopefully if we can increase inat usage in Bots and CNC participation we'll get more gifts from USA which could be used as incentives.


Posted by botswanabugs about 1 year ago

I agree that Mike would be a fantastic person to contact!

Thank you for messaging the the Junior Rangers!


Posted by robert_taylor about 1 year ago

I think schools are on holiday until the 8th May so it might be hard to reach all the students but nowadays the teachers have whatsup groups with the students so they can still encourage kids to participate. If you want I can send a whatsup message on the Matshwane college parents what's up group but it will be better if coming from the teachers. Let me also see if I can share the FB post on the school FB page.

Posted by rianafourie about 1 year ago

Thanks so much @rianafourie @robert_taylor Govt Schools open on 25 April but teachers return to work much earlier.
Private schools teaching O and A level have a lot of teaching going on in holidays. There is always a Head or Deputy Head present in holidays.
I'll visit my local Regional Education Office here in Serowe and see if I can work with Science Education officers to send a bulk email out to School Heads, Heads of Science, Heads of Agriculture and teachers responsible for wildlife, science and environmental clubs.
My real aim is to make iNat better known in Botswana. Ill be flooding Facebook with messages and want to target the Gabs Gardeners Group which has 229000 members I think this shall all be enough work for me this week. I dont know anything about other forms of social media. apart from Facebook

Posted by botswanabugs about 1 year ago

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