Isabella Carrera's Natural Area Observations - Week 5

This week I visited a new place, the La Tuna Canyon Hiking Trail in Sun Valley, CA. There was a lot of different types of vegetation, such as grasses, trees, shrubs, and a lot of flowers. This walk was actually pretty interesting because I found a few new species I hadn't seen before on my walks, such as poppies, sticky monkey flowers, and prickly pears. A funny story is that I didn't found the poppies on the hiking trail, but I actually saw them growing on the side of the road next to where I parked my car, which I thought was cool because it was a fun little surprise. I noticed seeing the chaparral and oak woodland plant communities throughout my walk. I really enjoyed my walk, and although I didn't get to walk through the whole trail and reached the waterfall, I thought it was really cool and want to come back next week to find even more species.

These were the plants I observed on my walk:

Posted on May 11, 2020 09:23 PM by isabellavcarrera isabellavcarrera


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