Can it just be spring already? Please?

It is not spring yet, here. I want it to be, but it is not. sigh I've been using the off season to look into more information on assorted local things. And stuff. Good things for people in PA: The Frost (PSU) has a HREF="">blog and a bunch of stuff you can look at directly, like Actual Field Journals from people. They're digitized. How cool is that?

And also my state does a county-by-county survey of Things Of Interest including discussions of habitat and whatnot. Free. Quite cool. Might be helpful if you're looking for a thing and can't find it. The surveys tell you where to look. Obviously DO NOT hurt anything you're out there looking for. Don't be a dick. We have plenty of dicks in the world, do not be one.

Posted on February 28, 2019 01:40 PM by whichchick whichchick


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