Getting into actual summer over here... but so much rain!

It's been a wet early-summer over here. Every time I cut the grass I see like six leopard frogs. I mowed the XC fences (turned up a box turtle and a longtailed salamander) and took a stroll with Brother-the-Younger wherein we spotted a rattlesnake (which of course I photographed for iNat and PARS). I have to find the time to survey dragonflies this year (and mend my net) plus also get in the kayak to see if I can nail down a watersnake and the basking turtles. Brother-the-Elder says we have an osprey in the ratty old pine on the point, but I haven't gotten a pic of it yet. :(

I feel like I need more hours in the day. This morning I got several excellent photographs of the groundhog that lives under my house with the fancy telephoto lens. I wish groundhogs were more photogenic. But, they are what they are. I'll upload them this evening, time permitting.

I still have no squirrel or chipmunk pictures. Heck, I should have more deer pictures. This is not because we lack squirrels or chipmunks or deer. I need to do better at mammals in general. Bunnies. Mice. Skunk, opossum, raccoon, muskrat, beaver. Foxes, bear, porcupine.

Posted on June 12, 2018 12:34 PM by whichchick whichchick


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