Mid State Trail, Blue Triangle to Loysburg, northbound.

Lots of rocks on the first six or seven miles. Easy walking for the last five or six miles. Saw lots of stuff that was kind of interesting, including but not limited to ... first trillium in the wild, wild sasparilla, spring beauties, box turtle, red newt on top of ridge, flowering shrubs I do not know what are, butternut tree, ladyslipper orchids (on top of ridge?! I didn't know they did that.), some kind of millipedes, lots of things. It was about twelve miles of hike, though, and I was seriously tired by the end. Fitbit says 170 'flights of stairs' or something. There were no stairs. Just Tussey Mountain.

Posted on May 14, 2018 12:57 PM by whichchick whichchick


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