Sometimes nature does not cooperate

Birds are difficult for me to photograph. Today I saw a pileated woodpecker. White following patches on wings, red crested head, Kuk-kuk-kuk. It's a pretty distinctive bird, but I was not particularly quickdraw on my phone so, lolnope.

Yesterday I was taking a smallish tree off the road, surprised the beaver at the playground. (It's an itinerant young beaver, the which we get sometimes. They are cleared out when we get 'em because I have a friend who traps. But there's a permanent population downstream and every couple of years we get some when the parents throw them out into the world.) I went from "that is not a goose" to "Heck it's a beaver" to Tail slap and submerged departure.

Frogs. We have more than spring peepers but apparently I am not good at recording frogs. They just shut up when I whip out the phone. Bad frogs. Also I can't see the darned things, ever. Frogs are better at camo than I am at seeing frogs.

Squirrels (I do not live in suburbia) run to the other side of the tree. Stupid squirrels.

And even when I can Photograph The Observation, sometimes the picture is not so much "Observe The Observation" as it is "Find The Salamander". I said last time that I wasn't going to spam people with pictures of newts, but apparently I do not understand what people want to see... so... here you go, a game of what I like to think of as Spot The Newt. Each of these pictures contains AT LEAST one more-or-less visible newt. Two pictures have two newts. Have fun!

Posted on April 21, 2018 11:43 AM by whichchick whichchick


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