Day 11. Three States before Lunch

Temp high teens to low twenties, slight wind. Snow cut day short at noon..6 miles.
We knew snow was coming in the afternoon but we managed to bird in Windham county Vermont, Franklin county Massachusetts and Cheshire county NH a very fertile three corner area of New England.

We went in search of snow buntings in Westminster VT. Found only horned larks, after driving over a farm field access road. Yea Subaru. The larks were digging into the steaming piles of used bedding getting warmth and food. Lots of vocalization. Used scopes to better appreciate them although som3 came quite close Westminster is a great area just across the river from NH. A place we have watched for nighthawk in the fall. Also home to Allen’s Marsh. Today it wasn’t so much the marsh but a very active feeder on the left just past the marsh. Common redpoll a single individual but enough for a Vermont bird, and of course Windham county. S80574863

On to Franklin County, Massachusetts. We explored the River Road Northfield and branches along the river. It was hopping. Singing Carolina Wren, Red Bellied Woodpecker, many, many juncos and cardinals. The male cardinals seemed particularly eye popping scarlet. ? New molt. American Tree Sparrow, new Franklin County bird. Really want to come back 8n the spring. We tried Turners Falls. Had a Coopers Hawk perched at the start of the canal, but it started to snow and we returned to NH. S80596677. Nothing new in Cheshire which we have nearly birdied out of winter birds. We’ll be back.

Posted on February 7, 2021 10:22 PM by mainebirder mainebirder


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