Tercer Dia of Naturalist Training (3)

Sunday February 21st, 2016
Trails today: Moving Mt. Trail to Vernal Pool/ Ephemeral Pond, Skink Alley, Madrone Trail for lunch, Marsh Trail , Meadow Trail, Larkspur Trail, Fescue Trail to bottom view pt.
Experts: Herpetologist, Bug Expert

So I have been waking up on time and this planning process is going well. Preparing meals the night before makes for a smoother wake up. I just never know when to take a shower because I'm typically a night shower person and then I don't want to shower in the morning before training because I'll be trucking up all along the mountains of life and I may break into a sweat. I never sweat, my body retains all the heat :(

Anyway, off I go.. OMG I should totally offer to carpool, I forgot last time. I'll pick up stragglers. it is 8:45 afterall...

After training:

So it's become quite a habit to vent to my roommates after training everyday of all the crazy things that happen to me... I was THAT ONE who touched the poison oak. I should have known I'd be THAT ONE. Smh, Leela, picking flowers and leaves for a bouquet on the silent hike part where we seperated 30 seconds after the other. That was an interesting activity. The place where Kerry decided to do so was PERFECT because I felt like one of the kids in Bridge to Teribethia (#howsadisthatmovie #S/OtoJosh'sblockhead). Anyway... my hands did swell up but then that one expert guy told me to rub my hands on moss so I did and I felt dirty but better than dead! haha! Oh my gosh and then later on the teacher person who came to talk to us told me that he once touched poison oak and he didn't feel the effects for two weeks. Watch, I'm going to wake up a puff ball.

So I took some cool flower pictures today #goalsachieved. Pretty sure I'm the one who won't know all the species but be that artist who comes in doing plein air painting carrying an easel up to view point looking supa cool. (Plein air painting is a French term (I know, I'm suppa cool for knowing French (actually currently singing in French for my singing class..) I took it in high school for 2 years along with Spanish) that means painting out in open air like cool painters on the streets of Italy.

So besides the beauty of nature, I sorta am getting the hang of identifying trees by their leaves. Identifying bugs, I had quite the knack for so that made me feel accomplished. Almost had a panic attack crossing the creek though, didn't want to face plant like K did. She was a real trooper though. I would have cried. F told me that I should get more comfortable around the creek because that kids love the water and the salamanders, etc but luckily, I'll be leading general tours heh heh.

Also we went on top-secret land today that I would be stoned if I gave it away!
Kidding, but we went to a location that we found churt and now it is a trendy thing in my group. Examples of what B & S started; #gettingchurt, #toochurtforyou. They should coin the term before someone else does! Also pretty sure we should have all found 100000000000 ticks on us today after practically crawling through grassland and overturning every piece of rotting wood and rock we could.

Bon nuit, (French)
Leela Hamm, the adventurer.

P.S. S/O to Michael, he is reserved but he holds this really friendly presence that I can't help but admire. I want him on MY team!

Posted on February 29, 2016 08:22 PM by leelahamm leelahamm


Photos / Sounds


Pacific Hound's Tongue (Adelinia grandis)




February 21, 2016 10:58 AM PST


My name is Leela and I'm a Naturalist at the Fairfield Osborne Preserve.
This photo is of Pacific Hound's Tounge.
I really like photographing flowers... I think it's my new favourite hobby.

Aiming for Research Grade everything!

Photos / Sounds


Henderson's Shooting Star (Primula hendersonii)




February 21, 2016 10:37 AM PST


My name is Leela and I'm a Naturalist at the Fairfield Osborne Preserve.
This photo is of a Shooting Star Flower.
I really like photographing flowers... I think it's my new favourite hobby.

Aiming for Research Grade everything!


Photos / Sounds


Turkey-Tail (Trametes versicolor)




February 21, 2016 11:09 AM PST


My name is Leela and I'm a Naturalist at the Fairfield Osborne Preserve.
This photo is of A mushroom type?
I really like photographing nature... I think it's my new favourite hobby.

Aiming for Research Grade everything!


Photos / Sounds


Mayflies (Order Ephemeroptera)




February 21, 2016 12:00 PM PST


My name is Leela and I'm a Naturalist at the Fairfield Osborne Preserve.
This photo is of fly larvae.
I really like photographing nature... I think it's my new favourite hobby.

Aiming for Research Grade everything!



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