Premier Dia de Naturalist Training (1)

Sunday February 7th, 2016
Trails today: Woodland trail to Turtle Pond for lunch, Creek Trail, Meadow Trail, Marsh Trail (?).
Experts: Suzanne

Hola! Jk, I don't speak Spanish fluently.
Hi there!

My name is Leela and today I am going to start my first day of Naturalist Training at the Fairfield Osborne Preserve. Gosh, am I ever excited but gosh, am I ever nervous!
How will this turn out? How many people are involved? Will I see other people at school? Will there be teachers I haven't met? Is there a test at the end of all this? Will I fail? How easy is remembering all the species on the preserve? Easy... I bet. (heh :( )

So I woke up at 6:30 because I gotta be on time for my first day right? What will they think of me if I'm late! I made something to eat but I'm mostly just rushing to get everything done since I got distracted on my phone for an hour... Curse you technology!!

Oh crud, I'm going to be late, gotta log off.... We didn't have hw did we.... Oh well! CIAO!

After the training:

Wow, gee wiz, this is exciting! We did a lot today but nothing I couldn't handle! everyone was surprised that I didn't bring a backpack on the trail but like, it's only a 2 hour hike, I'll live. It's good when you don't have to worry about where you put your things when there's poison oak all around you as you engage in a tree-interaction. S/O to grandmother oak on the the first trail we went on. A girl did almost faint however and that scared alot of us because we were more than a hop and skip away from the ED Center! She is afraid of ticks maybe she saw a REALLY BIG one. I forget her name but she seems quiet and sweet, I know I gotta be her friend.

Let me just start off by saying YAY, I like the previous and experienced Naturalists so far, they seem so passionate and happy. They are G, F, & K who we inquire and who monitor our development. Suzanne in her zone is basically marvelous. She lights up with the greatest sparkle in her eye when talking about making change, globalization and caring for others (abiotic and biotic ;) ;). I can't wait to know all she has to offer.
So other people may have wanted to cry after 2 hours of learning on a Sunday but is it too soon to say this was my favourite day? I am a psychology major after all! Learning about human interaction and teaching methods is where I will excel as a naturalist. This training has great parallels to Helen Woodward Animal Shelter Junior Conselour training. I taught kids about barn animals/ domestic cats and dogs for 3 years! It just feels as if I'm in the right place, ya know? It's a great feeling to have.

晚安 (wǎnān), (Goodnight in Mandarin Chinese)
Leela Hamm, the coolest.

P.S. We're going to have "projects" and homework every week so I gotta really crack down on studying since this would be my 8th class at this rate.
P.P.S. S/O to all the naturalists who made it today, you are all great and this is going to be such a great experience, I can feel it.

Posted on February 29, 2016 08:13 PM by leelahamm leelahamm


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