Coachwhip catches ground squirrel

1000h, June 20, 2011 - Beatty, Nye County, Nevada. Mojave Desert.

I heard a squeaking alarm call that came from some small animal, repeated quickly and continuously. I looked around, it really sounded like a distress call. There it was, under a branch pile was an Antelope ground squirrel (Ammospermophilus leucurus) on its back giving the distress call. Then I saw the body of a very large (>1m) Coachwhip (Masticophis flagellum) still on the ground interwoven among the branches. It's mouth was around the squirrel's belly. The snake had caught the rodent and was still, gripping the animal until it ready to swallow it. I left, and the calls went on for another few minutes then stopped. I returned to the scene and the snake and squirrel were gone.

Posted on July 5, 2011 12:41 AM by lcunningham lcunningham


Nice post!
But poor squirrel.
I have an old book about teaching children about nature and it says to emphasize how the snake just got a good lunch, and not how the poor squirrel felt about it. Hard to do though. I always feel like rescuing whatever is being attacked, but best to do what you did, I expect.

Posted by marigoldjoy about 6 years ago

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