Bee Extinction

Honey bees are going extinct because of excessive use of pesticides in crops, diseases and climate change. Extinction of bees could potentially means end of humanity because out of the 100 crop species that provide us with 90% of our food, 70% are pollinated by bees. Bees are the primary initiators of reproduction among plants, as they transfer pollen from the male stamens to the female pistils. For the first time in history, United State is declaring bee as endangered species. Bee’s population had declined by 87 percent starting 1990s. Humble bee is just one of the many bees that are endangered and spreading this news is the first step towards taking action to save bees. Pollinators are small but they are important part of the natural mechanism to sustain out world. Without them, parks and forests can’t survive and the crops would require costly pollination by hand.

“Astronaut's photos from space show California wildfires' vast scale.”, NBCUniversal News Group.

Posted on December 10, 2017 08:33 AM by kt_n kt_n


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