
Each butterfly species has its own habitat requirements. These are determined by the food plant of the caterpillar, the nectar source for the adult butterfly and the conditions needed for the caterpillar to survive and then pupate successfully. Some butterflies are happy to live and feed from several plants and can breed in a variety of places, including gardens and parks. Others are more fussy and have very specific requirements. Habitat specialist butterflies and moths can disappear rapidly if the environment they rely on changes. Habitat loss is the main cause of the decline of butterflies and moths. Land management techniques such as the intensification of farming and forestry, industrial development of buildings and roads and climate change all have an impact. The U.S Fish and Wildlife Service disclosed recently that from the year 1990, around a billion Monarch butterflies “king of butterflies” have vanished. The use of weed-resistant material and herbicides, is continuing to ruin and their original habitat, and may well be the main reason leading to the consistent extinction of the Monarchs. The use of such harmful chemicals led to the destruction of milkweed plants, the only plant on which the Monarch caterpillars feed on.

“Monarch-Butterfly.com.” Why Are Monarch Butterflies Vanishing?

Posted on December 10, 2017 07:59 AM by kt_n kt_n


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