Geo-171-2014 Homework #2

Today I went for a walk out towards the Berkeley Marina, expecting to find a variety of wildlife that I do not usually encounter in my day-to-day life. Unfortunately, the area that I wandered off into didn't have much going on except rocks, water, and sand fleas (which are very difficult to try to get to hold still for a quality picture). The trip was by no means a waste however since I found one of the most amazing panoramic views of the bay that I have every seen, as well as a few members from the tree of life- fungi, plants, and birds to be specific.
My first observation was a lone mushroom sitting by itself in a pile of twigs. I have no idea what type of mushroom it could possibly be and was hoping to get a couple guesses from the community. The next thing I photographed was one of my favorite things on Earth, the Ice Plant. I grew up visiting the ocean often and Ice Plants have never been far away. On my way back from the ocean I stopped by the Berkeley Aquatic Park and came across a gargle of geese. That's right, a gargle. They seemed to be looking for food on their migration back up North, and upon realizing that the Aquatic Park didn't have much to offer them they promptly returned to their voyage. The End.

Posted on February 4, 2014 05:59 AM by bstudent bstudent


Photos / Sounds


Canada Goose (Branta canadensis)




February 1, 2014 11:22 AM PST

Photos / Sounds


Sea Figs (Genus Carpobrotus)




February 1, 2014 10:58 AM PST

Photos / Sounds


Common Gilled Mushrooms and Allies (Order Agaricales)




February 1, 2014 10:47 AM PST


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