A new project for a new year. A trail camera to explore the interface of our urban neighborhood with the wildlife that surrounds us. I bought a Browning Strike-Force camera which is now mounted on the fence that separates our property/lot with the neighbors. Their lots are unfenced. I first set up the camera aimed at the corridor with our northeasterly neighbor and "salted" the area with apple slices and a little bit of bread crumbs. Got photos of the following: human, California Scrub Jay, Steller's Jay, Eastern Gray Squirrel (both .gray and black), Black-tailed Deer, Domestic Cat and the neighbor's gardener. The next site is on the opposite side of the fence (SW) there have added an American Robin and Striped Skunk to the list. Plan on leaving at present location until end of Month and the move to new location (WNW) near La Mesa Drive.
This was inspired by working on the photos over at Jasper Ridge Bio Preserve run by Stanford. We have processed over 170,000 game-trail images so far and are pretty much up to date. Photos now being submitted to a computer development class to design program for at least partial identification of game images. We'll see what happens.

Posted on February 25, 2018 12:43 PM by bob-dodge bob-dodge


Thank you for your post. I have been thinking of a game camera on our property as well. I want to include photos in a fauna guide I administer. I have been wondering about what camera would really be worth investing.. It appears yours works well enough to start.

Posted by rickr over 6 years ago

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