Nature’s Gifts

Throughout the history of mankind, nature has served as a giving and selfless mother to humanity. As a perfect array of resources and factors, nature has allowed countless generations of organisms to thrive and evolve through millennia. Values such as technological advances, food items, air, water, soil, shelter, our health, and the arts can be attributed to nature. Yet, there are other values that are less tangible that can also be attributed to “her”. All-in-all, nature is and will always be the pillar of our existence.

Since I was a child, I have always felt an affinity and attraction towards nature and wildlife. I remember back in my native Peru, enjoying our family outings to a winter retreat, trips to the local zoo, or just spending the day at the river or at the beach. I have to admit that my brother and I have a lot to thank to our parents for these wonderful experiences. These experiences definitely imprinted something within me or perhaps fed something that was already there.

Nature inspired me so much that I became a self-appointed scientist. During the early 1980’s I had handwritten a Birds of Prey guide using encyclopedias and other printed media as sources of information (Yes, there was no Internet!). This guide consisted of general information about several species, drawings and even diagrams that displayed their feeding habits and favorite prey (I would eventually come to realize these to be food webs, ha, ha!). I had memorized the scientific names of several species, and even now I still remember most of them (30+ years later!). Time came and went and my “unpublished” guide got misplaced somewhere, but the inspiration never faded away.

When I think of nature, it is hard for me not to appreciate the importance of “her” components. The soil, the air, the water, the plants, and the animals have their own agendas yet they work together for the greater good, just as a Monarch Butterfly pollinates a flower while feeding on its nectar. We could be as analytical as possible and ponder and be amazed about the importance of butterflies or just enjoy them for their beauty. In either case there is never an excuse for not appreciating millions of years of successful evolution!

The love that I have for nature has always been a common denominator in my life. Like most of us, I have been through several chapters during my existence; some good, some bad. At times I have been drawn away from nature. But the fond memories, peacefulness, and the inspiration that I received from “her” as a child so many years ago have always helped me keep my faith in this world . These are nature’s gifts to me.

Posted on September 14, 2022 01:17 PM by alexsalcedo alexsalcedo


Photos / Sounds


Monarch (Danaus plexippus)




May 13, 2011 11:18 AM EDT


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