Canada Lynx

Lynx canadensis

Identification 5

Canada lynxes are typically gray, yellow, and brown, with light-tipped fur, the underbelly is usually more tan. The coat is more reddish during the summer. Some have dark spots. The tail is very short at 5-12 cm), may have rings, and is tipped in black. The fur is long and, thick, especially during winter. The forelimbs are slightly shorter than the hind-limbs.The ears are triangular shaped and tipped with long tufts of black hair. They have long cheek hair which makes the face appear broader than it is. The paws are very large compared to body size and furry to distribute weight on top of snow. Overall length is 76-106 cm, shoulder height is 48-56 cm tall, and average weight is 4.5-17.3 kg. Males are slightly heaver than females. The front tracks are 6-10.8 cm long and 6-14.3 cm wide.The rear track is more elongated at 6.4-10.5 cm long and 5.4-12.7 cm wide. Four toes will register, Toe 1 is raised on the leg. The feet are well furred so the track my appear blurry. Canada lynx has retractable nails so they may not show on the track. (Picture 7-9.) Scat is dark brown, 2.3-2.4 cm in diameter, 7.6-25.4 cm in length, tubular ropes with blunt ends (picture 10.)

Canada lynx can be confused with Bobcats (Lynx rufus). Bobcats have smaller feet and ears (pictures 9 and 11), and the overall fur has more spotting. Bobcat tails aren't solid black, but have 3-4 black bars and black spot near the tip and the bottom white. The legs are roughly the same size - the hip appears level with the shoulders.

Summary 6

The Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) or Canadian lynx is a North American mammal of the cat family, Felidae. It is a close relative of the Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx). However, in some characteristics the Canada lynx is more like the bobcat (Lynx rufus) than the Eurasian Lynx. With the recognised subspecies, it ranges across Canada and into Alaska as well as some parts of the northern United States. Canada Lynx can be found in Iron County, Utah.

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Elizabeth Haslam, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC),
  2. (c) Keith Williams, some rights reserved (CC BY),
  3. (c) Chanel Tom, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Chanel Tom
  4. (c) Chanel Tom, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Chanel Tom
  5. (c) Chanel Tom, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)
  6. Adapted by Chanel Tom from a work by (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA),

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