
Lynx rufus

Summary 3

Bobcats are carnivorous mammals that are found all over the United States, including Utah. Every county in Utah is known to have bobcats residing in it. Bobcats are typically found to be 25-41 inches long, approximately 21 inches tall, and 13-29 pounds in weight. Bobcats are closely related to and often confused with a Canadian lynx. Bobcats have shorter ear tufts, more visible spotting on coats, shorter legs, smaller paws (shown in picture 2), and whiter underbellies than the common lynx. The most distinguishable trait of a bobcat is its "bobbed tail." As shown in picture 1, their tails are 9-11 centimeters long with a black tip and black bands. The related lynx has a shorter black tail with no bands.

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) matt knoth, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-ND),
  2. (c) Bryson Wood, all rights reserved, uploaded by Bryson Wood
  3. (c) Bryson Wood, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

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