Meadow Blazing Star

Liatris ligulistylis

Summary 3

Liatris ligulistylis, common name Rocky Mountain blazing star, is a flowering plant of the Asteraceae family. Leaves are basal and mostly alternate, linear and sessile nearer the top of the plant, while oblanceolate with petioles nearer the bottom, all with whitish midribs. Flowers are arranged in a loose raceme on the upper stem, with rounded pinkish purple flower heads, each with 30-100 five-lobed, tubular flowers per head. Each flower has a long, thread-like, divided style

Description 4

Asteraceae (Aster)

1 to 3½ feet

Leaves (3-10” long, up to 1½” wide) are toothless, sparsely hairy, and narrow at the base, widening to an oval shape with a pointed tip. Stems are often reddish-purple in color.

Button-like, magenta flowerheads (up to 1” across) grow in a loose raceme at the top of the plant, held by stalks (¼-1” long) which grow shorter as they ascend the stem. Flowerheads bloom from the top down. Each plant has between 1 and 40 flowerheads, each containing 30-100 tiny, star-shaped flowers with stringy, protruding styles.

Bloom time:

Meadow Blazing Star, Rocky Mountain Blazing Star, Northern Plains Gayfeather, Meadow Gayfeather, Rocky Mountain Gayfeather

Northern Plains Blazing Star prefers full sun, and moist to well-drained, somewhat fertile soils. It is commonly found in prairies, meadows, streambanks, clearings, ditches, and along roadsides.

Wildlife Benefits:
Flowers are attractive to hummingbirds and many species of butterflies, especially Monarchs. Seeds are a late-season food source for goldfinches.

Can I plant this in my garden?
This attractive, Monarch-friendly species does well in most sunny, somewhat fertile areas. It is an excellent addition to any native, pollinator, or ornamental planting.


Range 4

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Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District, all rights reserved, uploaded by Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District
  2. (c) Corey Lange, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Corey Lange
  3. Adapted by Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District from a work by (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA),
  4. (c) Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

More Info

iNaturalistAU Map

Family Asteraceae
Habit Forb
Flower pink, purple
Origin native
Life cycle perennial
Bloom time (8) August, (9) September
*sites Keller Golf Course, Snail Lake