Don't miss this unique chance to protect WA cocky habitat!

Our iconic WA Black Cockatoos need your help!

US mining giant Alcoa is seeking to mine another 9,600 hectares of unique Jarrah forests our beloved WA Black-Cockatoos need.

Right now, we have an opportunity to ensure the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) reviews Alcoa's latest proposals in a Public Environmental Review (PER).

There is a short period to have your say, submissions close on August 15th!

If you agree with BirdLife WA that such a large proposal needs a thorough, public review that will take into consideration all current knowledge and the true impact on our birds, please add your voice to get the EPA to assess Alcoa's proposal as a Public Environmental Review (PER) - the highest level of assessment.

It's incredibly easy to have your say! Just:

click the link to make a submission,
add your details,
and simply select your recommended level of assessment.
We urge you to select: "Assess - Public environmental review"
You can add your own detailed comments and reasoning during your submission, if you wish to, but it's entirely optional; the vital thing is that we get the proposal reviewed in the most comprehensive and public manner - aka via Public environmental review.​​​

Have your say on Alcoa's proposal!

Submissions close next Tuesday, August 15th! Don't miss this unique opportunity to have your say, and to help our precious WA Black-Cockatoos!

Some of BirdLife WA's key concerns, which you are welcome to include,
if you want to add optional comments in your submission:

We need increased controls to protect our drinking water from mining impacts. Birds like Black-Cockatoos need clean, safe drinking water in close proximity to roosting and breeding sites. Water is precious. In our drying climate our community must be certain that our families, our forests, and our birds are not be left thirsty, or with contaminated water.
Should Alcoa's proposed bauxite mining be approved, the threats to our iconic WA Black-Cockatoos will be substantially increased. Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoos are having to forage more frequently on the Swan Coastal Plain, and Baudin’s Black-Cockatoo are already Critically Endangered under the IUCN - for both species these problems are linked to the ongoing destruction of their forest homes.
In 60 years, Alcoa has not demonstrated that they can successfully rehabilitate Jarrah forests. The only result has been less forest for our birds.
Social values have changed since bauxite mining commenced in the Northern Jarrah Forest. The destruction that was encouraged then is unacceptable, now, because we care about the future of our birds.
Bauxite mining operators have failed to reassure the WA community that rehabilitation following mining operations will adequate replace the habitat values that have been lost.
We at BirdLife WA need your help, to ensure Alcoa's proposals are properly assessed, as a Public Environmental Review (PER).

Please make a submission today, to ensure your voice is heard before August 15th!

Yours sincerely

BirdLife Western Australia logo
Dr Mark Henryon
Advocacy Committee Chair
BirdLife Western Australia

Posted on August 11, 2023 10:31 AM by kezzza4 kezzza4


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