Bert Harris

Joined: Aug 31, 2015 Last Active: Sep 9, 2024 iNaturalist Monthly Supporter since December 2020

I am a naturalist based in Orlean, Virginia. I have been very fortunate to travel for work and for fun and I'm always seeking out natural areas. I am the Executive Director of the Clifton Institute, an environmental organization and research station on 900 acres near Warrenton, VA. Check out our website for a listing of our public natural history programs, most of which are free! We are working to document as many species as possible on the field station with our biodiversity inventory project. Please let me know if you're a researcher who would be interested in helping us document the more difficult groups.

I am an ornithologist by training (conservation of Southeast Asian and Neotropical birds) and I am still involved with tropical conservation as a board member of the Jocotoco Foundation in Ecuador.

I'm interested in all taxa but I'm focusing on Odonata, butterflies, grassland plants, and lichens at the moment. I'm also a big fan of hover flies and robber flies.

I am an amateur lichenologist. Feel free to get in touch if you are interested in learning more about Mid Atlantic lichens. I lead walks and intensive workshops on beginner lichen identification and you would be welcome to join us! I am happy to have a go at identifying lichen observations from Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and eastern West Virginia. Feel free to tag me!

Please include photos of leaves when uploading plant observations so that we'll have a better chance of identifying them.

Email me at

Languages: English, Spanish, Indonesian

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