Support Authors Supporting You
The wonderful community here on iNat is now home to a growing number of authors who have books published. They are spending their time helping identify your observations, so if you can, support them by purchasing their books and expand your knowledge from their hard work.
Here is a list of books that I'm aware. I either have purchased copies of these myself or have them on my wish list.
Praying Mantises of the United States and Canada by @mantodea
I recently purchased this book. I'm putting it to work with an abundance of recent mantids. Time will tell how good of a student I am because this is a great book.
Leafminers of North America by @ceiseman
This is going to be my birthday present from my understanding wife. Just a few more days to wait.
The Butterflies of San Diego County by @koji
Number One on my wish list. Will probably purchase this winter to be ready for next season.
I am sure that I am missing some other authors, so please add a comment telling me of those.