Journal archives for November 2017

November 20, 2017

Get your Bugging On - BioQuip Open House

For those of you really into insects I'm sure you've heard of BioQuip. Most will know it from online shopping. They are open during the week but on one day a year they are open on a Saturday for their holiday open house. This year that is December 9th.

They have a bit of food out and some drinks. They will have raffles and last year both @jaykeller and @silversea_starsong won something (or was that 2 years ago?).

So if you've ever wanted to see the place in person and meet other insect enthusiasts this is a great time to do.

@cedric_lee @glmory @psyllidhipster @alice_abela @dlbowls @ryanandrews @bbunny @biohexx1 @patsimpson2000

Posted on November 20, 2017 06:56 PM by finatic finatic | 12 comments | Leave a comment