Journal archives for July 2016

July 01, 2016

Visiting Bay Area - This Weekend (7/2 - 7/4)

I will be traveling up to the Bay Area for the upcoming weekend with @biohexx1 to do some iNatting. We will be meeting @leslie_flint late Saturday afternoon (7/2), @dpom on Sunday, and both at the crack of dawn for some tidepooling Monday morning before we have to head south and get through LA before the traffic (hopefully) becomes overly bad at the end of a holiday weekend.

I hope to set-up a bug light Saturday night. @kueda care to join us? Do you have any recommendations on where we should do this. Both Donna and Leslie plan joining in on the fun.

@robberfly Will you be around during this time? Especially on Sunday when we don't have any solid plans.

@loarie @kestrel @tiwane Let me know if you want to join us somewhere. It would be nice to meet you in person.

Sorry for the short notice on the trip but I really hadn't thought about heading up that way until earlier this week and just finalized plans to this point last night.

It won't be the same without @gyrrlfalcon but I'm in good hands.

Plans so far
Saturday afternoon target San Francisco Forktail
Saturday night run blacklight for insects

Wide open day without solid plans so far. I do want to walk a beach at some point and look for mollusks and kelp that we don't have in SoCal.

Tidepooling (tentatively) at Seal Cove. Low tide is about the same time as sunrise.

Posted on July 01, 2016 02:25 PM by finatic finatic | 18 comments | Leave a comment