For those of you really into insects I'm sure you've heard of BioQuip. Most will know it from online shopping. They are open during the week but on one day a year they are open on a Saturday for their holiday open house. This year that is December 9th.
They have a bit of food out and some drinks. They will have raffles and last year both @jaykeller and @silversea_starsong won something (or was that 2 years ago?).
So if you've ever wanted to see the place in person and meet other insect enthusiasts this is a great time to do.
@cedric_lee @glmory @psyllidhipster @alice_abela @dlbowls @ryanandrews @bbunny @biohexx1 @patsimpson2000
@yetikat @tiyumq @dlbowls @inkie
A few already go to BioQuip, but tagging everyone just in case.
Sounds like a great time. I'll try to make it.
I will try to make it. Thanks for the invite!
Interesting, I have been meaning to order some stuff from them anyways so I may be able to use this excuse to stop by in person....
Thanks for the tag, I am interested in going. I'll have to see if schedule and health allow it.
My 2 possible drivers bailed so if anyone is coming up from the south and can offer a lift, let me know. I can meet along the way + I have a ride back home, so that is not a problem.
I will be able to make it!
Ok, I made it. See you guys soon. Look for my terrible hair!
Am here for a bit. Dragging two little boys around until they get bored.
I'm glad some of you were able to make it. I spent the day cleaning my yard from the all the debris the winds had blown into it. But at least I have a house and yard to clean which is better than many with these fires and winds.
Just me and Jesse! But it was a good time.
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