Fragrant Evening Primrose (Oenothera cespitosa)

Description: The species I'm observing/describing is a flower. I notice there aren't many petals on this flower- it only consists of 4 petals and the petals have a very loose structure. I notice the petals are almost translucent. The color of the petals are light pink. The colors of the Anthers are light yellow with very little spots of dark yellow. I notice the very middle of the plant is light green and the color of the filaments are even lighter than the middle of plant. I notice there is another plant next to it- it looks to be the same species, just a shade darker, I wonder if it's the same exact species. There is also a purple blur on the bottom left corner of the picture, I wonder if it is another flower. I notice most of the surroundings are green. I wonder what season the flower is most likely to bloom. This flower reminds me of a soft light smoothie on a summer day because of the light colors and the environment surrounding the flower, it seems peaceful. The picture was taken on October 9th, 2020 at 11:15 AM.

Posted on October 15, 2020 03:35 AM by dshosie11 dshosie11


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